New Zealand has always been in my bucket list. One of those places I've longed to visit. Truthfully, I don't have a lot of places in my bucket list. Just three to be exact, Japan, Greece & New Zealand. The others are mostly just places I would like to visit. Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, Maldives are all places I would love to visit but they're not in my bucket list.
Another thing in my bucket list is skydiving. I didn't get to do it in this trip, mainly because of time constraints and the worries about my scar tissue and abdominal tension. However, I'm sure I'll have plenty of other chances. One of the highlights in this trip is the Hobbiton Village. Lord of The Rings must've been one of my all time top 5 favourite movies and learning about the facts regarding Peter Jackson and the filming was kind of entertaining. The guides that brought us around were very knowledgeable. They even mentioned that the only reason the Hobbiton Village was not torn down after the film is due to a big storm that halted the operation. After the storm, the owners of the farm struck a deal with the movie producers to maintain the village.
Watching the whale in the South Island at Kaikoura must be in one of the top five things my fiancee would love to do. Looking at her smile when we caught a glimpse of the whales made my heart flutter. She's a handful but I would just do about anything for her.
Sometimes I guess we never learn how to love someone until we learn how to accept their good and bad. Even though we disagree with a lot of things, we always try to learn to accept them for who they are.
Another highlight of this trip is bringing my mother along to New Zealand. She's my angel and I'm glad we get to experience this together. I didn't do much during the trip except drive and take pictures but sometimes, the things we see with the people we love makes a difference. It makes everything all the more beautiful, doesn't it?
Our itinerary for Part 1 is from Auckland to Mata-Mata, then to Rotorua. After that, we drove back to Auckland before flying to Christchurch. In the South Island, we visited Kaikoura for the whale watching, then we visited Hanmer Springs for their hotsprings (nothing to shout about really). After that, we continued our 6 hour journey to Franz Josef.

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